Google AR – Join us for an internship in 2022!

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In the Augmented Reality team at Google, Shahram Izadi leads a talented team of researchers and engineers with a broad mission to give people superpowers through Augmented Reality (AR). Within AR, the AR Perception Team is building novel algorithms in the intersection of real-time computer vision, sensor fusion, signal processing, novel sensing, and applied machine learning to enable next generation perception capabilities for AR. Our team is known for both working on state-of-the-art research (eg., digital humans, motion tracking, neural rendering, portrait relighting and matting, reflectance capture, scene/object/text understanding, …), and going all the way to shipping products, featuring this world-class research, that delight billions of users (eg., portrait light, portrait mode, depth sensing, ARCore depth, light estimation, Lens text understanding, …)

We are looking to hire PhD students in computer vision, machine learning, graphics, HCI, SLAM, and audio to join us as Interns or Student Researchers to advance the state-of-the-art in these areas. We publish our work in top-tier venues like CVPR, SIGGRAPH, ICCV, ICASSP, NeurIPS, and UIST. We also work towards delivering the technology we create as products or services for the next generation AR capabilities. We value innovation, collaboration, and diversity of perspectives and experiences.

Our team spans numerous locations: Mountain View (including Abhishek Kar, Aveek Purohit, Chao Guo, Ivana Tosic, Luca Ballan, Mingsong Dou, Rohit Pandey, Ryan Dutoit, Stephanie Debats, Yinda Zhang, …); San Francisco (including Abhi Meka, Adarsh Kowdle, Danhang Tang, Jonathan Taylor, Konstantine Tsotsos, Sean Fanello, Sergio Orts Escolano, …); Los Angeles (including Christoph Rhemann, Jay Busch); Zurich (including Anastasia Tkach, Federico Tombari, David Tan, Henri Rebecq, Alessio Tonioni, Keisuke Tateno, Franziska Müller, Thabo Beeler); Seattle and Waterloo (Soroosh Yazdani).

We hope you will join us! Please apply as an Intern if you’re in your last year of studies; otherwise, apply as a Student Researcher. Ideally, joining as an Intern will lead to a full-time position when you graduate, and joining as a Student Researcher will lead to a long-term collaboration including your PhD advisor. If possible, we encourage applying for a position in the same region in which you are doing your studies, to simplify visa processing. 

Here’s how to apply:

  1. Submit a formal application:
  1. If you’re planning to graduate by December 2023, apply for an Internship in the
    1. Research intern
      1. US,
      2. Europe,
    2. Software engineering intern
  2. Otherwise, apply for a Student Research position in the
    1. US,
    2. Europe (Zurich). 
  3. Also—whichever link you use—please email to let us know you applied. Include your CV, and any other relevant info—for example, whom you’d like to work with.

We will be considering applications on a rolling basis, so please apply as early as possible.

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