Hail perceptiveIO!

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Afpio_logoter 3 amazing years at Microsoft Research Redmond and Cambridge I decided to take the next big step in my research career. I am joining perceptiveIO, Inc. as a Senior Scientist and Founding Team Member! I am looking forward to starting in our San Francisco headquarters! If you want to find out more about the company visit the website: http://www.perceptiveio.com. We are currently looking for talented researchers and engineers that want to work on bleeding-edge research and products at the intersection of real-time computer vision, applied machine learning, novel displays, sensing, and human-computer interaction.

I thank Microsoft for the amazing experience: it was great to meet and collaborate with so many top researchers around the company, I feel really lucky to have had this opportunity. I am going to miss you all!

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4 Responses to Hail perceptiveIO!

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